Christmas Crafts

Crochet Wreaths

There are a lot of crochet wreaths going around right now. I myself was looking forward to making a few.I just couldn’t decide how I wanted to torture myself.I saw a really cute ornament someone had made and thought I could do that. Then I read she’d used a milk jug ring as the base. I wasn’t too sure that would be plausible for me. I did find a suitable replacement, though.I had a bunch of hair ties already from making scrunchies, so I could always use some of those. Then I remembered that I had bought a pack of shower curtain rings, you know those plastic things you have to wrestle into the holes at the top of the shower curtain? Yea, those.I couldn’t find them, so I went and got another from Walmart. They were around $1.I crocheted around the ring in green, then did a little trim of white around the edge. Add a few chains and slip stitch it back into the work et voila! An ornament with a hanger.I did a chain of cotton crochet with a tiny steel crochet hook, which of course made me question exactly what I was doing with my life to have been brought so low. I rolled it up into a little rosette and attached it to one of the wreaths using craft glue that dries clear.

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