Christmas Crafts

Fun with Foam

Many years ago, after perusing a copy of Crochet Today (R.I.P.), I had a burning desire to make a wreath. All that was required was to wrap the foam wreath form with yarn and then DC the hell out of a chain and use the natural curves from that to make a rose. It came out nice, but wrapping the yarn around the foam ring was a pain in the ass.I made it with off white so, over the years it has gotten dingy, so we have had to replace it. I have been very lax in that regard. All the crochet wreaths I have seen and liked require a level of commitment I am just not ready for. Seeing all these people crocheting around rings, though…. That seemed easy enough.It isn’t… Not with that size of foam rings.
But commit, I did.Heres what I used:

  1. Yarn. I used two strands Red Heart Super Saver for one wreath, and one strand Hometown USA for the other
  2. Size P hook
  3. A smaller hook, I used an H

Heres what I did:Make a slip knot. Pick up the slip knot through the center of the foam ring. Wrap the yarn around the back of the ring, yarn over the hook and pull through the loop.Now comes the fun part, and the main reason I am very glad the foam rings weren’t larger than they are.. You’re going to leave your hook at the top of the ring. Bring your working yarn around the back of the yarn and wrap around your hook from the back. Your working yarn will be hanging in the front of your ring. These are now your two yarn loops. Wrap the working yarn around the back of the ring and wrap around your hook. Pull the working yarn through your two loops. Continue working around, sort of scrunching your work together to make sure you’re covering the foam ring.Once you’ve made it back to the beginning, and you have sufficient coverage, slip stitch into the first stitch, then switch to a smaller hook, chain 16, then bring it back down and slip stitch into the same stitch.Using craft glue or your handy dandy glue gun, apply decorations as you please. I am using ornaments and other Christmas decorations found in the Christmas aisles at Walmart.Here’s my one finished wreath.And here is the finished camo wreath

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