Wednesday Wonders

Wednesday Wonders

Its Wednesday again!

It’s been absolutely crazy at home!

My garden is flourishing and before long, we’ll be eating home grown fresh vegetables!

I’m very excited. My bell peppers finally got planted and they’re already sprouting.

My daughter was amazed at my corn.

Since she has a lot of extracurriculars, or at least a lot of stuff going on for them, I decided that since I was already going to be outside watering and tending the vegetables, I’d just go ahead and take over feeding the animals. Right now its just the three goats, but we have a chicken coop that only needs a run and then we’ll also have chickens.

As far as the ‘side hustle’, I made my first sale in the Etsy shop! So I’m hopeful that’ll pick up soon. I went a little crazy when I got to go to a Joann’s, but I found some really great charms for stitch markers.

The shop in town where I sell finished items is going pretty well. Last time I was in there, the two blankets were gone, so that’s hopeful. I finished a baby blanket this morning that I’ll bring to the shop today or tomorrow. It’s in school colors, whichbare blue and white. A lot of the logos I see also have grey, so I added that in there too.

While that is washed and dried, I picked up my raised waffled square blanket. I haven’t touched it in quite a while and I need to get it done sooner rather than later.

My wonder for today is my husband. Yesterday, the first day he was going to be getting home before dark had set in, he had to pull over and call the police. He called me and told me that, then he told me that there were 2 little girls playing on the highway with a dog. These were very young girls and who knows how many people drove past without stopping before my hubby got there. The girls were apparently at their grandma’s house and wanted to go home. The town they live in is 30 minutes from my house in the car.

So, kudos to my husband for being the person who was kind enough to stop and help get those kids somewhere safe.

Sunday Dinner, Uncategorized

Sunday Dinner

Here we are again and it’s time for dinner!Tonight, we took it easy and I had everyone make their own sandwiches.Because I don’t want to spend a month buying or making bread, I got some sub rolls, and decided to make some pasta salad.Since the husband and I are both overweight, we are trying to be careful with what we eat, I wanted it to be delicious and tasty.We spoke today about cutting out things like white bread and rice, etc.I have really been thinking about pasta salad, though, so I decided I’d make it with whole wheat pasta.Here’s what you’ll need:

1 package whole wheat rotini pasta

1/2 bunch asparagus chopped

3-4 green onions, chopped

Cherry tomatoes, halved

2 carrots chopped

3-4 cloves garlic, diced

6 leaves basil, chopped

1/2 C dressing

Here’s what I did:

Boil pasta according to package directions, drain and rinse with cool water. Set aside.

While pasta is cooking, heat up a little olive oil in a skillet, saute vegetables and garlic for a few minutes, season to your liking. I used fresh ground pepper, dried basil. Mix vegetables with pasta and add your dressing.

In addition, I really wanted some peaches and mangoes. So I grabbed a bunch of peaches and a mango. My daughter and I are the only ones that’ll eat the mangoes, so I just got one. I cut up the mango, 1 peach and a bunch of strawberries. Just mixed them up. I didn’t add any sugar or sauce.


Wednesday Wonders

It’s almost 6 AM.

I’ve been awake about 2 hours. I slept pretty well, but then I was exhausted. Monday, my husband left with his crew to a fire. The call came through after 5 pm, so it was all zoom, zoom, zoom, because they had to get the crew together and get all their equipment and be there by 10 that night.

I ended up having a panic attack, because it was dark, I couldn’t get GPS directions to where I was going and my husband was sending me text directions, in several texts. So, me driving in the dark, on a road I might have been on once… not the best. I took the last turn because I freaked out because there was someone behind me and I didn’t know what I was supposed to do. Luckily, I turned the right way. I cried driving home in the dark, and just drove. Thankfully I arrived at a point where I knew how to get home. I did not buy myself a bag of donuts to comfort myself. I did go to the store though and bought paint. And a bag of Sour Patch Kids (that I didn’t end up eating until the next day).

With me being upset, I came home, said good night and went to bed. It was late already, well past my usual time of going to bed, so I fell asleep. For about 2 hours. I had gotten a text telling me they had arrived and were bedding down for the night an hour before. I was still raging, so I left it unread.

I stayed awake for awhile. I woke up later than usual for doing my morning chores and had a hard time getting myself going.

I had some extra work to do, though. Monday morning, I spoke with the owner of Blue Pond Boutique in Taylor, AZ and we came to an agreement for rent and space size for me to start selling. My husband made me a beautiful table that afternoon (he was a busy bee that day).

My job was to paint it, which is why at 9 pm Monday night, with a tear streaked face and a terrible attitude, I went to Walmart.

A shout out to Younique for their waterproof black mascara! That’s some magic right there! I LOVE mascara, it is the one thing that is consistently part of my makeup routine and this is the real deal, y’all!

I did my normal stuff and was chomping at the bit to get to painting. I chose Waverly chalk paints in Agave and Crimson. The agave color was just about perfect in the bottle. The Crimson I lightened up with some white to make a pink.

So, I did a coat of each color and jeez! All I could think was it was a Barbie Dream House nightmare or something. Very, very garish. I did not want to have to start over again so I waited for the paint to dry. For the next coat, I lighted the crimson up more, and added some white to lighten up the agave a bit. I then painted over the first coat. Not meticulously, to try and cover it up, but to sort of try to give it a faded kind of look. Like parts were lighter. It ended up looking pretty cool. And not really something that screams me. I’m more of a blue or purple person, and have been shying away from pink practically my entire existence.

Once everything was dry, I applied a light layer of the Waverly wax for chalk paint. So it has a nice sheen to it. After a few hours, we brought it back into the work shop. I’m really glad I did all the work outside, even though as soon as I started working I was set upon by a gang of ants and flies and a few bees.

Last night, I tried arranging my items on it to see how it would look. And man, theres a lot of stuff I made! Almost the whole thing was covered.

Today, I’ll go back into town and set up my space and breathe a small sigh of relief. And this afternoon, hopefully, I’ll get to hang out with a great bunch of ladies and their kids.

Tomorrow, I’ll get back to work.

Last night, I had a stroke of genius and today found exactly what I was looking for to make it work. Watch this space for some new stuff going into the shop!